Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gazebo Double Take

As I jogged out to the peninsula in Central Park, my eyes diverted from the path when I noticed a stunning bride in the gazebo to the right of me.  After taking in the scene, I realized that she wasn't standing in the gazebo simply for photos, but rather she was reciting her wedding vows.  I had stumbled upon her wedding ceremony. 

Less than a dozen individuals appeared to be officially a part of the ceremony, but I joined several other New Yorkers to unofficially witness the marriage of the couple, whose deep love for each other was obvious to all those around. 

But the couple was not your usual.  While the bride stood a slender 5'8", her partner stood a portly 5'5" with dreads pulled back into a pony tail, and round glasses capturing her eyes.  And, although the bride wore a white gown and held a bouquet of flowers, and the other wore a tux with a tie and a buteneer, both individuals were women.

So there I was, in the heart of Central Park, unofficially witnessing a gay wedding ceremony.  And as the couple in front of me teared up, so did I, but not for the same reason.  While they cried for the beauty of their love, I mourned the brokenness of love in this world.

Time for the rings - Ethan, age 3
The flower girl - about 7 years

And the officiater declared, "I now pronounce you spouses for life."  And then they kissed, and both official and unofficial onlookers clapped and cheered.  And I observed the boy next to me, probably 5 years old, clapping alongside his mother...

A 1/2 mile or so later I ran into a few of my college students fishing at one of the ponds.  Mitch, one of my favorite guy students, and I got talking and I shared with him what I had witnessed.  And he then shared with me some of what he remembered from a talk that Sy Rogers...

This past fall I was talking to my coworker Elijah who oversees all our overseas trip at The King's College.  He explained to me...

Several years ago a bill was presented in Uganda that called for the death penalty of homosexuals.  Elijah explained that even the church in Uganda has failed miserably to love these people stating, "The church is cutting of access points for healing and salvation."

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